Tuesday, May 21, 2013

GRAVITY RUSH-PSVita-Walktrough

Kat was originally just an ordinary woman who accidentally find a cat. The cat can talk and give him power to control the gravity around it. With this power, Kat must save his town, Hekseville of nevi and also attack the Gravity Storm.

Platform: PS Vita
Publisher: SCE
Developer: SCE Japan Studio
Genre: Action Adventure
Penulis: Lovin
E-mail: wakiniki@gmail.com

Safe Fall: When falling from a height, do Evade before it hits the ground so hard not to fall Kat and stop the movement (though this does not reduce health Kat). It could also do the Zero Gravity just before it hits the ground.
Evade: Evade can be connected with a button box to Kick Evade. This movement allows you to attack an enemy who has a soft spot in the back. When did Zero Gravity, Evade still can be done to avoid enemy attacks.
Stasis Field: To bring more objects, hold Circle near objects that you want to take (raise the level Stasis Field to increase the maximum capacity of Stasis Field). Stasis Field is also useful to stop movement completely while Kat Fall Speed, useful for sudden braking if necessary.

            Touch the apples on the tree and follow the introduction Hekseville scene. After Kat can control, forward and up the stairs in front of you.
Episode 1: From Oblivion
            Follow people who call Kat. Gravity Storm was going on and your duty to save the child. Follow the tutorial to get it done. After the scene, follow the tutorial on stop time drift and explanations Health and Gauge Gravity.
Episode 2: Shadows Over The City
            There is another tutorial about the concept of battle. Note the part about Kick Evade and Gravity. After that there is an explanation about the map and how to regulate the use of the Navi. Go to the location indicated for an explanation of the Story Mission. Collect all of Precious Gems and insert it into the furnace to complete the first mission.
            Done get paid, there is a tutorial on how to increase the ability of Kat. From here you can start exploring the city, collect gems scattered and enable municipal facilities that have died. Unlock Challenge Mission that appears after fixing the city to get a gem. While there are only four places you can fix it. If you are satisfied, turn Story Mission.
Episode 3: Home Sweet Home
            Follow the prompts to save the old grandmother. Continue to follow the Navi to get a table (again!). Now you need a bed to sleep. Follow the signs to find Syd and get information about the removal of the mattress. Go up to the place and you need to clean up all nevi before taking the mattress and back home.
            You can now use this to save the house or do the time warp to the drainage holes are located in the city. There are some people who can talk to.
Episode 4: The Phantom Hekseville
            You must infiltrate into the roof of the church. See the right side to see the path larimu, run by sticking to the side of the island. For route, just follow where Energy Gem there and you'll get to the church without getting caught. From here, the next job is to go to the statue in the middle of the field. See the right side and you'll find an Energy Gem. Just follow the gem that is until you get to the destination.
            Furthermore, Syd tells you to meet him. Go to where you go up and down earlier. Run away on the island as before to avoid the guard until you are at Syd. Right back to the middle and destroy all the enemies that appear. Use Gravity Kick if no item that can be thrown to defeat an enemy that has a shell. After the event, Kat maximum strength will increase and open up a new Story Mission.
Episode 5: A Meeting With Destiny
            Chase pigeons until you meet with a small child. From here fly to the top of the television tower indicated. If you're confused, the spire has a few gems waiting. After finding the "blue flag", go in the direction of the flying red balloon and take it all. There will be a balloon to fly solo when you managed to pick up all the balloons.
Pursue until you meet someone who the child's father. "Take" is to place the child was previously. Enter the door that appears and follow the short path in front of you. Dusty will be left blurred, so soon after him. Do not forget to roll when there is an attack to be about you, because you can not use your powers without Dusty.
At the end of the road you will find a pipe. Enter to meet with a grandfather.
Episode 6: The Lost City
            After an explanation from him, go to the front and a red flower in the nevi will appear. Nevi are like a frog with a trunk can be easily defeated with Kick Evade (do Evade then directly connect with a kick). Do this several times and the third time time you do this, do not immediately follow the pathway of interest. Check first trees that emit a strange blue aura to get your first Special Attack, Spiraling Claw.
Continue on until there is a short event. Increase strength Kat if you've never raise it at all. As a suggestion, increase strength at the Health, Kick, Kick and Gravity. Boss is pretty easy, especially if you finish Challenge Mission and get a lot of pretty much gem. At first, drift and hit the head with Gravity Kick.
After two balls in his head crushed, come down to the ground and hit a large ball that is in the bottom of the body until there is an order to kill this boss. If your blood thinning, around here there are also some Health Gem to heal yourself. After defeating the boss, Raven will appear and attack you. Kat's reputation increased and mean it adds maximum strength Kat.
New areas to grow which means additional to explore! Use the train to the city has been improved for the new. There should be no pets on the train so Kat had to ride on a train. Not a problem, yet, at the top there is a lot of gem to be taken! For facilities that can be improved, there will be one additional place in there Pleajeune Auldnoir and in three places. Activate and use the map if all their locations confused.
Episode 7: Too Many Secrets
            Kat Awww ... It's beautiful. Time to search for information now. Talk to everyone who is marked on the map. When you meet someone who gave you a quiz, answered with Fire, arquebuses Academy, and Left Hand. For children who run away when asked, just go after him in the normal way (running). After all the clues collected, go to school. Newt carry around with Stasis Field to the points indicated.
In the end you will find a friend Newt. Go follow Newt and you will find in the Echo. After the event, you need to save Echo! Soon after him and attack balls in his back by using Gravity Kick. Do ering Echo because you can kill him. An easy way to do it is raising the level Spiraling Claw Special Attack level 2 minimum.
When Echo memunggung Kat, immediately do the Special Attack. This attack can spend almost the entire health of the monster. If the enemy health is very little left over, you are not able to hurt her again so just follow where he goes. At the end of the trip the monster, his main core will come out and you have to fight it again. Directly use the Special Attack to drain health boss. If he still persist, use Gravity Kick continuously until he collapsed.
Episode 8: A Hundred and One Nights
            Creator again. Time to restore a new world. Use Gravity Slide until you find some nevi. Defeat and follow the path that is directed as usual interest. Continue until you find a tree that will give you a new Special Attack are Gravity Typhoon. Further course while eliminating the menghadangmu nevi and you will get the missing pieces of the city.
            Raven will be your opponent this time. He is fast and fairly powerful attacks. It will be a battle of air, so make sure you raise your ability Kat, especially Kick Gravity and Gauge Usage. Raven is your chance to attack as he prepares balls of energy to attack. Gravity Kick point directly to him, because the balls will not be about you if you're fast.
Sometimes he'll attack you directly, immediately use Spiraling Claw Special Attack to stop and deal damage. Just look at the fast moving health and yours, then you will be able to stop the opposition. Part of the lost city will return. Use the aircraft appeared to achieve and know the location of a hidden gem beneath the island during the trip.
There is a place in which you can fix Pleajeune and two places in Endestria. Fix all gather to get a gem. Explore the entire bottom Endestria to gem very much, never to be missed.

Episode 9: Old Ghosts Letting Die
            Syd gave you the task again. Just go places designated until there is information about a bomb planted Alias. Immediately went to the place indicated and use Stasis Field is continuously in place until the bomb sight. Bring to a friend Syd to defuse the bomb. Now the nevi appear to bother. Immediately to the scene and hit all nevi that appear.
The next task is to save the cops who are stuck in the top of the tower. Save before the first right on you. For a second there on the tower that looks similar to the tower where the police first, while the third is on top of the chimney. Done to save them, Alias ​​will appear. Chase him and beat all nevi were issued.
Sometimes he would be two or more, always surrounded by a chase Alias ​​Alias ​​nevi because the other is a fake Alias. After successfully cornered, Alias ​​will show the true shape. Alias ​​will be shaped nevi dragon with two heads are always moving. Just a Gravity Kick weapon and also Special Attack, since it is impossible to do battle ground.
To attack him, position yourself close to him and when he attacks with dispense balls of energy, use Gravity Kick / Special Attack. If you start a Gravity Kick from afar will likely attack can not hit him, so try to be kept nearby. Do not forget to use the Special Attack as often as possible to speed up this fight.
Episode 10: Curiosity Killed the Cat
            Kat gravitational force is very limited at this point, so well calculated direction of the next movement. Just follow the path and use ground mushrooms to move where. To fight nevi, Gravity Kick you can still use, but the distance will be very limited. Luckily Kat Attack Special forces do not decrease, so you can use as precarious. Do not forget to grab the new Special Attack "Micro Black Hole".
At the end of the journey, you will meet the boss. Hajar his first child from her smaller. If they are too far away, there are a few places that provide objects to be thrown at them. After losing all his men, go and attack the main body using Gravity Kick or Special Attack. Not difficult, you might be annoyed when it fell far down as back up very far.
Episode 11: Thick Skin
            Kat status upgrade first if you like, then attack all nevi that appear. Later will come the help of an unknown party. Go ahead and attack all nevi are facing. By Kat strength back to normal, there will be no problems in overcoming all enemies facing. Try to defeat small enemy advance so as not to disturb you.
            With this complete all sections Hekseville. Just follow the arrow to get to the part of town that is open, that is Vendecentre. Do not forget to repair damaged public facilities to unlock Challenge Mission. There are two in Endestria and five in Vendecentre.
Episode 12: Look Out Below
            Down, down, and down continues until you finally find a tunnel. Kat entered and strength will be lost here! You can not use the ability of gravity Kat, but you should continue to fall. If Kat will hit any obstacles, use the dodge just before the obstacle is to perform Safe Fall. Avoid the spiked nevi also are in all places.
            After reaching the bottom, the road will continue. Continue to fall .. down ... and down while collecting gems scattered. There will be an event if your destination is reached, Raven will appear again, and he will be more serious. Although here you only have to run away, run away from him the process would be quite difficult.
            Raven has three types of attacks. Initial attack is firing small blue balls. Avoid everything and try not to hit any because if you hit one, the other balls will be about you as well. The second attack is a small red stone, enough to change the direction turunmu avoid. The third attack, Raven will expend enormous energy ball.
Immediately stop and get out as far as possible before they go back down. Shifting Speed ​​leveling is helpful here because there is no Health Gem along the way. Until the threshold there will be another event.
Episode 13: Kids Just Do not Understand
            Jump-jump to free yourself from a locked cage and watched Kat cyanea in pain. Just follow the path made by the gem and when no guard, he turned his back to wait for Kat purpose, a new skip them. Event of the troops again and Nevi will appear. They will be VERY much and scattered in various places. Should fight gravity has become commonplace to you, destroy them all!
Finished beating the nevi, chairman of the kids will tell their tragic story. Start by walking around town called Boutoume this and talking to a few people to better understand the situation here. Fix also two existing facilities to bring Challenge Mission as usual.
Episode 14: The Lost Tribe
            Okay. Nevi was named Nushi and he's very big. Use Gravity Kick and kick his little legs. After a while he would stop and shout. When this happens, immediately went to the back of her head and attacking the ball there. After his health runs out, there will be an event. Raven will be here to help you beat him. First divert attention by attacking the weak point in the back of his head like that.
When Raven called you, as soon as he went. Do this three times to prove him away. See the events that came after.
Episode 15: Memories of Another World
            If you are confused about the location of the next mission, located at the top of the map, in the yellow flowers. You will find that will bring Kat cyanea towards .. the subconscious? Do not chase the shadows, it is a trap. Look back and you will see a light shaped like a ladder. Walk there to continue the journey. Just follow the road until you've made the move.
            At the next location, the goal is to use the existing waves to crash into the wall which moves Kat. Continue doing this until you move again. In the next place, doing the same thing as before. Follow the path that has been "planned". If you are confused, when there are two beams, one up and one down, went up to the top and use the waves nearby.
            New place again, and more complicated than ever before. Forward direction is the position of the shadow. Jump forward, then use the wave on the right, right, right, forward, forward, forward. Should position the shadow is imminent. Regular jump into the shadows to continue.
            Look down and you will see a short tower. Go down there and use the waves to move. Climb the tower where you stand now to find another wave to across. Use and head to wave at the top to proceed to the other room unclear.
            Go to the wall behind the shadows and start to climb up to the top. On the far right there will be a wave, use to achieve the opposite. From here, simply use the next waves to reach the image to be moved to another room. Hopefully this is the last .. Go to the luminous object in the middle and then reverse direction to get to a castle.
Enter the castle to find the baayangan. There will be many a gem that can be taken! Wander around the city to collect the gem .. Talk to cyanea to continue the mission.

Episode 16: Children of the Past
            Bring cyanea with Stasis Field headed to the place indicated below before following Raven. By Kat strength now, Ark doors that can not be found Raven will open. After the preparations for delivering the children's home was ready, Nushi appears again. But with the ability Kat now, all the weak points Nushi visible. Nevi's time to beat this ugly!

            Nushi moving pretty fast, so try to block it so Gravity Kick can hit it. Do not forget that you have a Special Attack, use as often as possible to accelerate the decline in health Nushi. Do not forget to note the health of your own because Nushi attack is strong enough and can not be predicted. When the blood is low, Nushi will stop and try to fire his strongest attack.

Immediately to the back of his head to beat his main weak point and ended the life of this giant nevi.

Episode 17: Fading Light
            Kat had to "climb" toward Hekseville. Follow the "path" until there are hordes of nevi gem that should be killed to pave the way. Log in, then go ahead until there are people who need help. Take him and escorted him to a near rock-shaped flowers. The characteristics of the rock is there some gem above the flower. If confused, just go into the hold until she told him.
            Kill all nevi that appear on a letter for the event. Remember Kat goal down before? After a surprisingly short event, go ahead and beat up hordes of nevi to pave the way. Hekseville is near! Continue until there is an event. Gade will be neighbors Kat now. Talk to him to get back to Rift Plane perhaps you forgot to take the Special Attack or want to collect the gem.

Hekseville atmosphere will change quite a lot. Talk to the people in each district to determine the cause of this change. Do not forget Kat can already see the "unseen", create a hidden gem appears, take all. Speaking of Gade, no secret nevi that appear in every Rift. Their opponents to get a lot of gem and Trophy.

Of course they will be very strong and can not be attacked with a Special Attack. Increase strength Kat basis as much as possible, especially in the Health, Usage Gauge, Gravity Kick, and Evade. Their location is:

The Ruins: It's under construction at the end of the giant Rift. Go straight to the building and fly down to the very bottom of this huge building. Below, there should be a large round door. Come and resist the emerging green nevi. Nevi Nevi secret secret is easiest, just avoid his attacks, then beat with a barrage combo. Quit Mission if it goes wrong.

The Inferno: From the beginning, continue as usual until you are at the signpost interest second (third room early if the room is calculated). On initial entry, the third room there will be a large bridge in front of you. Hold Kat movement then point your camera toward the bottom. You can definitely see Hekseville rail under the door that leads to a circle. Come inside and you will find the secrets in Rift's nevi.

Nevi beat this secret would be very difficult if you do not do it right. The key here is to use Evade Gravity Kick and efficiently as possible. Kick start with Gravity to one part of his body. If she screamed, immediately do Evade to avoid counterattack, then do Counter Attack. If he's silent, did Gravity Kick once again and wait for the response.

The key is to wait for him to attack, because once exposed to blows and Kat being cornered position, 100% you will fail. Rash action will certainly make you fail here, so be patient and read the enemy's movements. If you feel distress even with maximum upgrades, get out of the small room and collect the green gem around before returning to fight it. Nevi is not going to cure myself but this should not be done if you do it right Evade.

The Mirage: From the starting position, fly forward until you find an object shaped like the planet Saturn (large boulder with a ring around it). In the stone there will be a signpost interest. Stand near the flower and turn the camera around, especially in the area of ​​the sky. There will be a red circular object. Fly there to find these nevi pacing on the right side.

Just like against nevi in ​​The Inferno, the key is to let it shoot, do Evade, then countered his attacks. Find it difficult because they have to do Evade and move the camera? Try doing Evade with his left hand and rotate camera with right hand facing nevi. Nevi is indeed very difficult, but it can be defeated. If health depleting yours you can go around other areas such as in The Inferno to find a green gem. An easy way to collect the green gem is by killing all nevi in ​​the region of interest. Use Special Attack to take care of them for your Special Attack is not working against the green nevi. Sometimes nevi roaming will drop a green gem. Every flower that opens will also be dropped.

If you've managed to beat them all alone or want to continue the story, access Story Mission.

Episode 18: Adreaux On Call
            A researcher named Adreaux dropped her bag and ask for help Kat. Right down and take it back to the top. Now he will ask Kat to put some sensors in the place indicated. If you're carrying sensors and Nevi successfully attacked you, you will drop sensor that you take. Back to Adreaux to get a replacement if indeed this is the case.
After installing all the sensors in place, return to Adreaux. Remember that the sensor was not working? Adreaux forgot to turn it on, so right there to turn it back on and bring the nevi. Immediately clean up and get back to Adreaux to put another sensor pairs forget him. Installation of this sensor will summon hordes of large nevi to be a little troubling. Hajar all nevi that appear.
            After all your hard work, Adreaux will ask for help to be delivered to the Clock Tower. Then head right there, because you have limited time and also requests Adreaux to stop by a few places. After rolling a few scenes, go back to the house for the next mission.

Episode 19: Falling to Pieces

            The most important thing now is to follow the path while collecting all the scattered Dusty. Dusty will be wrapped with a red aura that is easily visible. After collecting 10 Dusty and back to the starting place Kat uses her powers first. Aka Panther will tell her to attack you. Defeat all nevi were summoned by the Panther to bring some Dusty.
Do this continues until all complete Dusty. He will summon two large nevi and nevi are also some very fast-moving fish. Defeat them all to finish this fight and raises a series of events. Cyanea will stay with you. Talk to him if you want to go back to Boutoume (cities with population of children) to collect the gem and finish Challenge Mission is left behind.

Episode 20: An Unguarded Moment

             Gade appropriate words, prepare yourself because this is the last series of missions. Complete all Challenge Mission or a visit to the former Rift. If you're ready, run this mission. After a series of events, beat all Yunica nevi that appear to attack you. If you've beaten all the green in the Rift previous nevi, Yunica very easy to deal with.
Wait for him to attack, then avoid and give him some Gravity Kick. Although in the middle of the battle he is seen improving strength, movement and attacks are not going to change much. Spiraling Claw / Gravity Typhoon is very effective in reducing health Yunica be used when there is a chance. Watch the event and the next episode will begin immediately.

Episode 21: No Rest For The Virtuous

            Kat will go back and time to destroy the iron pile. Try attacking until Yunica help. Now starting to look weak point. Immediately attacked repeatedly until it appears again some core weakness Anemone. Hajar continues and remember Hekseville damage gets worse if you slow the beat Anemone.

            Now Anemone will stick in the Clock Tower. Try your hardest to beat Anemone is no event. Immediately approached Gade and give strength to bring Kat to Gade Ark and ... Raven!! The iron ball attack until he issued protective making it unable to attack. Yunica and Raven will alternately call Kat. Anemone fishing line to them to let Yunica or Raven attack.

Yunica will provide instantaneous damage and stopping Anemone, Anemone while Raven will stop for some time. Save the Special Attack to use when Raven stopping Anemone for maximum effect. After Anemone health runs out, do finisher to throw D'nelica and Adreaux!

Congratulations, you have completed Gravity Rush!


            Load Clear Data to get the Trophy "Top Cat". You can repeat all the Challenge Mission, a mission DLC for secrets or other confidential as nevi or two adventurous time moving locations.


            Challenge Mission obtained when fixing the damaged city facilities. Challenge consists of several types. The majority of them differ only in location, but the challenge is the same. So I just explain how to beat Challenge types only.

Time Attack
There in Auldnoir, Pleajeune, Endestria, Vendecentre, Boutoume
Skills required: Health, Kick, Gravity Kick, Kick Sliding, Special Attack.
            Your mission here is to kill as many as possible before time runs nevi. Hurry up and memorize moves weakness Nevi Nevi-emerging. Just look at the red arrow pointing the location of nevi if they confused the location of emergence. One of the easiest challenges if Kat has high ability.

Free Race
It's on: Auldnoir, Endestria (2 pieces), Vendecentre.
Skills required: Shifting Speed, Usage Gauge, Gravity Slide.

            You need to go to all the checkpoints as fast as you can, in any way. Memorize a given route and calculate for yourself whether faster using Speed ​​Fall or Gravity Slide. Fall speed should be used when the next location separated by the hole, while the Gravity Slide for locations and a platform with a straight position.

Pitching Challenge
It's on: Auldnoir
Skills required: Stasis Field, Gauge Usage.

            Grab all the items scattered around you and throw into the nevi. All lemparanmu definite hit, as long as nevi that you are in the target area of ​​the target cursor. Move your PS Vita if you want more quickly move the cursor toward the target.

Sliding Race
It's on: Auldnoir, Pleajeune, Vendecentre.
Skills required: Gravity Slide, Gauge Usage.

            You can not do Zero Gravity here and can only use the Gravity Slide. Do not forget that you can conduct Drift with one finger to release the brakes and move forward with Vita Kat to deflect to the left / right. Sometimes it is easier to remove the conditions Gravity Slide, then turned to walk rather than doing Drift.

Energy Race
It's on: Auldnoir, Pleajeune, Endestria, Boutoume.
Skills required: Gravity Slide, Gauge Usage, Shifting Speed.

            Just as Free Race but in the beginning Gauge Gravity yours will be empty. Collect Energy Gem to heal partly Gauge Gravity and gravity moves to use the capabilities of Kat. Using Special Attack "Spiraling Claw" at the beginning sometimes quite helpful.
Taxi Trial
There in: Pleajeune
Capability who required: Stasis Field, Shifting Speed, Gauge Usage.

             Ye need to deliver the all people outside towards the station in under ground. People-people these will be marked so as make it easy for for know the location their. Ye not can throw person into area the target so that escorted they until there. Perform as quickly as possible.

Sweeper Trial
There in: Vendecentre
Capability who required: Stasis Field.

             Grab all goods, then throw into area the target. Goods who thrown do not need to be leads to the ground, which important regarding the "aura" area the target. Collect first goods-goods which distant and visible heavy because score they is quite big.

airboat Race
There in: Vendecentre
Capability who required: Shifting Speed, Gauge Usage.

             Differ with race another who ever ye are doing, Airboat Race will be putting checkpoint in airframe which elapsed thatch. Predictions their movement for simplify.

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