Tuesday, May 21, 2013

ASUS Vulcan Pro Gaming Headset

Make Gaming Simple

             This headset has a simple design, but still interesting. Bearing on the handle and ear cup headset is very easy and convenient to use. Additional attachments are not too many so practically used. Only, this headset features plus FPS sound settings, the results of the use of the maximum sound for gaming, Surround, for a more stereo sound results, and AMP, amplifier mode to turn on the headset.

For the sound, this headset does not lose competitiveness with the other. Especially with these features, the results can be maximized sound especially for gamers who want to experience the game more exciting and real. Features such as the volume control is also there, as well as microphones that can be assembled according to user needs.

Untuk headset-nya sendiri membutuhkan tenaga listrik sendiri, yakni dengan menggunakan satu baterai berukuran AAA. Caranya dengan membuka tray pada sisi belakang ear cup dan headset bisa langsung digunakan. Selain itu, pada ear cup ada tombol pengatur suara yang bernama ANC (Active Noise Cancelation). Fungsi mengatur suara agar lebih jernih. Oleh karena itu, headset ini sangat cocok untuk digunakan bermain game yang membutuhkan ketenangan dan fokus yang tinggi. (Angga)

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